Completely Improve Your Game! Fix Your Weak Points with Drew Weatherhead!

Hurry! This 196 video White Belt Foundations course with Drew Weatherhead is in high demand—register today!

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price option <div class="editor-content"><p>LIMITED TIME DEAL</p></div>


$8 Full Course!

You're not skipping this BJJ steal, right? Act fast!

price option <div class="editor-content"><p>$7000+ FULL LIBRARY!</p></div>



2 Weeks Free Access to EXCLUSIVE FULL LIBRARY $7000 in BJJ Courses!

Press Play▶️ Meet My Elite Training Partners

Hey White Belts! These 5 Must-Have Intro Courses Are Essential For Your BJJ Journey. Grab Them Now on Massive Sale!

price option <div class="editor-content"><p style="text-align: left">Volume 1: (80% off)<br>Take Downs &amp; Closed Guard</p></div>

Volume 1: (80% off)
Take Downs & Closed Guard


Was $99 > Now $19

Begin with essential take downs and master the foundational closed guard position for effective control and submission.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p style="text-align: left">Volume 2: (80% off)<br>Half Guard &amp; Open Guard</p></div>

Volume 2: (80% off)
Half Guard & Open Guard


Was $99 > Now $19

Expand your guard game with versatile techniques in both half and open guard positions, enhancing flexibility and defence.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p style="text-align: left">Volume 3:&nbsp;(80% off)<br>Guard Passing &amp; Side Control</p></div>

Volume 3: (80% off)
Guard Passing & Side Control


Was $99 > Now $19

Learn to navigate past guards with precision and establish dominant side control for strategic advantage and submissions.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p style="text-align: left">Volume 4:&nbsp;(80% off)</p><p style="text-align: left">The Mount &amp; Leg Locks</p></div>

Volume 4: (80% off)

The Mount & Leg Locks


Was $99 > Now $19

Gain mastery over the mount position and explore the power of leg locks for securing decisive and powerful submissions.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p style="text-align: left">Volume 5:&nbsp;(80% off)<br>Complete Back Control</p></div>

Volume 5: (80% off)
Complete Back Control


Was $99 > Now $19

Master the art of taking and controlling the back, applying high-percentage chokes and holds to finish the fight.

price option <div class="editor-content"><p style="text-align: left">Volumes 1-5 (82%)<br>The Complete White Belt Collection</p></div>

Volumes 1-5 (82%)
The Complete White Belt Collection


Was $499 > Now $89
Unlock the full White Belt course and master essential Jiu Jitsu techniques at an exceptional value.

<div class="editor-content"><p>190+ Training Videos</p></div>

190+ Training Videos

Master white belt Jiu Jitsu with lifetime access to over 190 videos across 5 volumes.

<div class="editor-content"><p>Self-paced Learning</p></div>

Self-paced Learning

Each training video includes step-by-step exampless to perform each move.

<div class="editor-content"><p>Passionate Community</p></div>

Passionate Community

Join a private Jiu Jitsu community to ask questions and learn from others.

Drew Weatherhead Trains & Fights With the Best in the World!

Eddie Bravo

Martial arts instructor, podcaster, stand-up comedian, and musician.

Jocko Willink

Author, podcaster, and retired United States Navy officer.

Dean Lister

Mixed martial artist and submission grappler.

Bernardo Faria

Five-time World Jiu-Jitsu Champion

Tim Kennedy

American soldier and retired mixed martial artist.

Unlock Exclusive Savings with the Complete White Belt Course Collection

Save 82% when you purchase all 5 training volumes.

Dive into over 190+ expert-led videos and save $410 when you purchase the full collection today.


Join Hundreds of BJJ Masters Around the World

Sometimes, simpler techniques might get overlooked by more advanced and trendy ones. Drew Weatherhead's courses are easy to use and well worth everyone adding at least one of these instructionals to their arsenal.

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong><span>Meerkatsu</span></strong></p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p><span>Seymour Yang</span></p></div>


Seymour Yang

I absolutely love when a submission becomes a position, and that is what Drew Weatherhead has done with many of the courses on Because Jitsu. This is the type of game-changing content that comes along very rarely.

<div class="editor-content"><p>Eli Knight of Knight Jiu-Jitsu</p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p>2nd Degree Black Belt</p></div>

Eli Knight of Knight Jiu-Jitsu

2nd Degree Black Belt

On top of being the premier content creator in the Brazilian jiu-jitsu community, Drew Weatherhead is an outstanding instructor. In all his instructionals he delivers an in-depth, detailed overview of course content.

<div class="editor-content"><p>Grappling Science</p></div>, <div class="editor-content"><p>@grappling_science</p></div>

Grappling Science


Question Your Might Have

Feel confident on and off the mat.

What will I learn in the White Belt Course Collection?

This collection covers everything from fundamental techniques and positioning to more advanced strategies for control and submission. Each volume builds on the last, ensuring a structured learning path that supports your growth in Jiu Jitsu.

Can I purchase individual volumes, or do I need to buy the complete set?

You can purchase individual volumes if you wish to focus on specific areas first. However, purchasing the complete set offers better value and a more holistic approach to your Jiu Jitsu training.

Do I need any prior experience in martial arts or Jiu Jitsu to enroll?

Prior experience is recommended but not required. The White Belt Course Collection is designed to guide beginners through the basics and gradually introduce more complex techniques at a comfortable pace.

How long do I have access to the course materials?

Once purchased, you’ll have lifetime access to the course materials. This allows you to learn at your own pace and revisit the content as many times as you need.

Is there a community or forum where I can interact with other students?

Yes, enrollment in the course grants you access to our private community where you can discuss lessons, share experiences, and connect with fellow Jiu Jitsu enthusiasts and learners.

Save $410 on the Complete White Belt Course Collection

For a limited time, gain access to all 5 Jiu Jitsu training volumes at a reduced price.

Only $89 for over 190 training videos!


Meet Drew Weatherhead

Professor Drew Weatherhead is a first-degree BJJ Black Belt with over 17 years of Jiu-jitsu and 26 years of total martial arts training.

He has been showcased on sites like Black Belt Magazine, Jiu-jitsu Times, BJJ Fanatics and Jiu-jitsu X.

Training around the world with the likes of John Danaher, Eddie Bravo, Jocko Willink, Tim Kennedy, Ricardo Liborio, Malachy Friedman, Eli Knight, Brandon Mccaghren, and more, Professor Drew brings a concise, easy-to-understand, and easy-to-implement style of learning that is guaranteed to improve those who experience it.

What's holding your
Jiu Jitsu training back?

Gain the skills to dominate on the mat.
Don’t miss out—your path to Jiu Jitsu mastery begins here.

Unlock the White Belt Course Collection